The ghosts have finally decided to move out of the Dorchester Jail citing constant disruptions from Bill Steele’s paranormal groups. One of the local ghost said “This used to be a quiet place where a ghost could put its feet up and relax but since Bill Steele has invited all these paranormal groups we rarely get a break. I mean it’s getting ridiculous you can’t even sleep here anymore without someone pulling out a Ouija board”.
The only ghosts staying are the Bannister brothers. “We are quite happy with this.” said one of the brothers. I mean we’ve been dead for over 80s years and Bill has put us back on the map.”
The chief ghost, Mr. Chandler said, “The Banisters get all the attention and they did nothing but murder people. We are sick and tired of it so we are moving on.”
When asked where they would go ghost Hickman said, “We are not sure we thought maybe the Keillor House but the lady that runs that place is like drill Sargent so we’ll just be hanging at the local cemeteries for now.”
When Bill was asked how he felt about the entire situation he said, “I am kind of in panic mode. I mean no ghosts, no paranormal groups. I offered each of them a free goat if they stayed but I do not think they were sold on that idea.”