The Tantramar Council has decided to follow the Springhill, Nova Scotia example of dissolving their town due to the overwhelming amount of infighting and public complaints. “It’s just not worth it anymore,” said Mayor Andrew Black.

“With this dissolution, we wouldn’t have to spend the insane amount of money we do on third party consultants to investigate all the infighting as well generate reports and strategic plans. And so the property taxes for residents would go down significantly,” said councillor Butcher.

“Springhill dissolved the town in 2015 and relinquished control to the Cumberland County region, so we can do the same with our town and let the Southeast Regional Service Commission (SRSC) or higher level governments handle any responsibilities,” councillor Tower said. “All residents basically need is garbage collection and snow removal which the SRSC can easily handle at a fraction of the cost and any other things can be handled by the province or federal government such as roads and RCMP.”

“Plus I can just go back to working at Mr. Movie or Jean Coutu where life was so much less stressful,” Mayor Black added.