MP Dominic LeBlanc is extremely upset because he is getting personally sued after his government’s unlawful and unconstitutional use of the Emergencies Act. “This lawsuit is going cost me millions, that’s going to really cut into my cigar and lobster budget, and everyone knows Shediac has the best lobster. Our Onion reporter asked MP LeBlanc what his government was going to do as a result, “Well we have no choice, we are going to have to increase the carbon tax on all those serfs, I mean taxpayers. Lobsters and cigars don’t grow on trees you know.” LeBlanc said.

When the Onion reporter asked Mr. LeBlanc who he blamed for the Emergency Act debacle he replied in his native French, “Je blâme notre imbécile de Premier Ministre” which translated means, “I blame our idiot Prime Minister.” The MP LeBlanc later apologized for that statement, “Sorry about that, I forgot I was using my inside French voice.” The MP was later seen walking away singing Sunny Ways.