A Mount Allison mob of students run by Sarah Kardash had a confused looked on their face when Mayor Black told them that they weren’t allowed to interrupt a council meeting. “No one ever says no to us as they’re all usually scared of our woke mob,” said Ms. Kardash.

Once again the Kardashian mob was trying to coerce the town council into acting on their behalf on global matters that a municipality has no influence over whatsoever.

“I am so tired of these Marxist students, besides they shouldn’t even be allowed to vote!,” said Councillor Phinney.

Councillor Debbie Wiggins went on record saying “Don’t they know there are some things you can’t do on public land?”

Sabine Dietz, former councillor, said “This is taking away focus on the real issue which is climate change!”

Sarah Kardash said she was profoundly disappointed that the council refused to hear her unscheduled and unreasonable demands. “This really hurts. I mean Elon Musk already shut down my Twitter/X account on account of my antisemitic rants and now this.”

The other students stayed quiet turning their backs on everyone, including Kardash. “She’s embarrassing the crap out of us,” one mumbled. “Let’s turn around before they find out who we are and we never work again,” said another, not realizing they were all facing the camera.