A Tantramar Onion reporter caught up with local former CBC journalist/activist Joe yesterday. “Woke journalism/activism sadly isn’t bringing in the ad revenue that it used to. So a lot of us are getting laid off from corporate media”, Joe said. “But recently it dawned on me that the universities and media had created a lot of white guilt over things that other people had done a long time ago in the past. So there was a huge untapped market to take advantage of.”

So Joe made a sign saying “I Will Call You Racist for Spare Change” and took to the streets of Sackville. “Next thing you know Mount Allison students, professors and other guilty-looking white people started coming up to me and asking me to call them a racist. It was pretty easy for me as I used to call a lot of people I disagreed with racist or far-right in my articles”, Joe said.

“People don’t usually like being called racist but I found these fellow woke types almost seem to get pleasure out of it, especially the students”, Joe said. “It’s been really good for business. Funnily enough when you think about how we look down at other races and don’t think they can achieve success in a merit-based system without coddling, we actually are kind of racist. And that doesn’t even include our rabid antisemitism.”