Recently both the Sackville Food Bank and Greater Dorchester Moving Forward Co-op have complained about some residents who were either doing their full grocery shopping there, who weren’t from the immediate area or who were not really food insecure. This was after Josh Goguen had encouraged Tantramar residents to raid the food banks and allowed people such as Jean-Pascal Lavoie to harass the food banks on Josh’s Facebook group.

“With the high price of groceries these days why should poor people only get access to the free food?” Josh Goguen told our Onion reporter.

The Tantramar Council decided to sanction Josh Goguen by docking his pay for these insensitive remarks which caused a run on the available food for those truly in need. The council also stated that Josh was incorrect that Moving Forward was funded by the government when it is a charity funded via donations.

Josh added, “I agreed with cutting the pay and health benefits of Bruce Phinney who said Mount Allison students shouldn’t vote, but sanctioning me for this is ridiculous!”