It has recently come to light that Xiangguo Qiu, a scientist at the Winnipeg Microbiology Lab was communicating with the Chinese government and was also providing materials without Trudeau’s government approval. The fact that this story has leaked to the public has really angered Justin Trudeau, government insiders are saying.

Due to this embarrassment, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has recently reached out to the Tantramar Council. He is apparently seeking advice on how they keep their government business from getting out to the public, the Tantramar Onion has learned. “I heard about the various reports that the past and present Mayors and CAOs of Tantramar have managed to keep secret. In particular the Montana report about the fire department HR issues was really locked down.”, said Trudeau. “I really admire the fact that the Tantramar residents are basically clueless about what their local government is doing.”